All my activities in one place–mostly dev stuff.

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Transition to TypeScript

Should You Switch to TypeScript? Yes!

The guide into why and how to start with TypeScript

This is purely based on my personal experience over the past two months when I started using TypeScript for the first time. At the end of the article, I will share also how to configure your project for TypeScript to get you started. You will see that the initial configuration is the only hard part about TypeScript.

Importing Multiple TensorFlow Models (Graphs)

Updated 6th March 2018: importing operations by name.

There are a lot of great things about TensorFlow. BUT once I figure out how to import my trained model (graph), I wasn’t able to import second model and use it alongside with the first one. The importing is pretty slow and I don’t want to do it more than once. On the other hand, squashing everything into one model seems to me pretty impractical.

In this tutorial, I will show how to save and import TensorFlow model. Even more, how to import multiple models alongside.

Importing multiple TensorFlow Graphs

Widgets for Jupyter, ipwigdets

I have worked with Jupyter for a while and I must say that it is a pretty unique experience. The ability to get outputs right away and visualize the data right beneath the code create a great environment for data analysis. And you can also install Vim key binding ?. But there is even more! There are widgets — buttons, sliders, drop-down menus, and more — that allows interactive interactions and make your code even more fun. For example, I use widgets for creating simple UI for classifying images and creating a data set.

Using interact from ipywidgets

Using interact from ipywidgets

Scanning Documents from Photos Using OpenCV

During my project I came across this problem: How to detect paper page on the photo and cut it out. There are already mobile apps providing this feature, but we could definitely learn something by building it and maybe even improve it. Even though this problem may seem complicated at first, the OpenCV can help us a lot and reduce the whole problem on a few lines of code. So, today I will give you a quick tutorial how to solve such a problem.

Page Detection (Scanning), using OpenCV

OCR Project Published on GitHub

LaTeX? Maybe Next Time

It is true! I am continuing with my weekly blog posts about my Machine Learning project. For the competition I have to write documentation 30 standard pages long. And this week it started!

Started Writing SOC

Electron Builder with AppVeyor and Travis CI, Memory King

I decided to repair the Travis CI build. What started as a small fix end up as setting up the whole automatic release system connected with GitHub releases. It sounds really cool, but the truth is that the electron-builder provided everything what we need. Then our task is “only” to set up everything correctly. So, today I will give you a step by step guide.

GitHub Draft Release

Don’t get stuck, Machine Learning

I heard a lot of stories about people, even whole teams, who works on machine learning problems, getting stuck for whole years trying to solve the problem. And then somebody else came using simple techniques and get much better results! There isn’t any definite way how to overcome such freezes, but we can learn from others mistakes.

Don't get stuck, machine learning

Open Source, Memory King

You can love it, you can hate it, but no matter what you think about it, it will be there. As you may know the Memory King is also open source and you can find it on GitHub. And in todays blog post I will discuss what it means for me and why I love it.

Open-source software (OSS) is computer software with its source code made available with a license in which the copyright holder provides the rights to study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose.


First Steps, Machine Learning

Let’s start our machine learning journey! This week I started the real work on the project. For those who don’t know, my project will be kind of OCR project, so we will be dealing with images, computer vision, and all sorts of interesting problems. And in this episode we will start getting ready for the machine learning.

Dashboard Continued, Memory King

Do you wonder what makes dashboard a great dashboard? Me too, so let’s talk about it. In the last blog post about dashboard I figure out how to plot the data, but the real question is which data should I plot and how to structure the whole dashboard.

Designing Dashboard, Memory King

Environment Setup, Machine Learning

Let’s start with something easy—environment setup. Truly, there is not much to set up, yet if you are working on your first machine learning project, you will have to make a few decisions. So, let’s review the tools that I will be using in this project.

Envrionment setup, Python vs Octave

Tools for Electron, Memory King

Last week I spent exploring a wide range of electron extensions. I didn’t work on the GUI. So, today it will be purely about these electron extensions. I came across this GitHub repository: electron-awesome where you can find a lot of useful resources. And as you can guess, I couldn’t resist and I add some of these tools 😀 .


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2022 © Břetislav Hájek