It is kind of sad bud the GCI ended (on 25. January). And I thought that I will have some free time. But in the end, I am writing this 4 days after the deadline of GCI. Since I already wrote articles about OpenMRS and about my experience with GCI. And I don’t like to repeat myself, I wouldn’t go over it again. However, I would like to kind of extend these articles.
Tag: GCI
It is one month since the Google Code-in started and I started working on tasks for OpenMRS. So, now is the time to share my experience.
If you do only one thing in Google Code-in, it should be joining the community and their chat.
I always wanted to learn programming, but I never have enough time or motivation to work on something bigger than a few lines of code. But that changed with the GCI, my goal was to make 3 tasks. I admit that when it started, I wasn’t really sure if I will be able to complete at least one task. That’s the reason why my first task was related to HTML and CSS, which I know from earlier when I made few web pages.
Today I created Open Web App for searching patients in OpenMRS using REST calls. Source code: